Visual Thinking - W. Brand
If you have not already embraced visual thinking, why not ? Visual thinking and drawing are becoming increasingly important in today's business settings. A picture really can tell a thousand words and visualization is a crucial part of the journey for companies seeking to boost enterprise agility, break down silos and increase employee and customer engagement. Visualizing thought processes can help break down complex problems. It empowers teams and staff to build on one another's ideas, fosters collaboration, jump-starts co-creation and boosts innovation. This book will help brush aside misconceptions that may have prevented you using these techniques in your work place. Vou don't need Van Gogh's artistic talent or Einstein's intelligence to harnass the power of visual thinking and make your company more successful. With the right mindset and the simple skills this book will teach you, you will quickly be able to develop your own signature and style and start generating change by integrating visual communication into your business setting.